Zirconium Crown Dental Treatment

As VAM Healthcare, we offer advanced Zirconium Crown Surgery in Turkey that can give you a natural and beautiful smile.

If you are searching for zirconia crowns near me, we offer an advanced Zirconium Crown package in Turkey, performed by our experienced dental specialists.

Let’s explore the details of the Zirconium Crown Treatment.

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    Get a Natural and Aesthetic Smile with Our Zirconium Crown Surgery

    A beautiful smile can boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. Zirconium Crown Surgery can help you achieve a natural and aesthetic smile that lasts long. At our clinic in Turkey, we use the latest technology and techniques to provide you with the best Zirconium Crown Surgery experience.

    What Is the Zirconium Crown Treatment Process?

    Zirconium Crown Treatment is a process of replacing a damaged or decayed tooth with a durable, high-quality crown made of zirconium.
    The process of getting a zirconium crown usually consists of the following steps:
    1. Consultation and examination by a qualified dentist
    2. Tooth preparation and shaping, which may require anesthesia
    3. Impression taking and laboratory work to create the zirconium crown
    4. Crowning the tooth with the customized zirconium crown using dental cement

    Zirconium Crown Treatment Techniques Explained

    We use several techniques for fabricating zirconium crowns: Here are the common techniques used in the placement of zirconium crowns:

    Tooth Preparation: The first step in placing a zirconium crown involves preparing the tooth by removing any decay or damage and shaping it to fit the crown. Our dentist will take an impression of the tooth, which will be sent to a dental laboratory to create the custom-made zirconium crown.

    Temporary Crown Placement: In some cases, a temporary crown may be placed on the tooth to protect it while the permanent zirconium crown is being made.

    Custom Crown Creation: The dental laboratory will create the zirconium crown based on the impressions taken by our dentist. The zirconium material is milled using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology to ensure a precise fit.

    Permanent Crown Placement: Once the zirconium crown is ready, the temporary crown (if one was placed) is removed, and the permanent crown is cemented into place using dental adhesive.

    Zirconium crowns are known for their strength, durability, and natural appearance, making them a popular choice for patients who want a long-lasting and aesthetic dental restoration. Our expert dentists will consider the individual needs and goals of the patient to determine if zirconium crowns are the best option for restoring their teeth.

    Zirconium Crown Treatment Recovery Process and Aftercare Tips

    After the Zirconium Crown Surgery, you may experience some discomfort, sensitivity, or swelling. These symptoms are usually temporary and can be managed with painkillers or ice packs. We recommend that you avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods for a few days after the procedure to allow the crown to settle in. Good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, are essential for maintaining your new crown.

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    Zirconium Crown Treatment in Turkey FAQ
    Here are some frequently asked questions about Zirconium Crown Surgery in Turkey:

    How long does the Zirconium Crown Surgery take?

    The Zirconium Crown Surgery typically takes 2-3 hours, depending on the number of teeth being treated.

    Is Zirconium Crown Treatment Painful?

    Zirconium Crown Treatment is usually painless, as we use local anesthesia to numb the area before the procedure.

    What are the benefits of Zirconia Crowns?

    Zirconia Crowns are highly durable, biocompatible, and natural-looking. They are resistant to chipping and cracking, making them a popular choice for back teeth.

    Is Zirconia the best crown?

    Zirconia is a popular choice for crowns due to its strength and durability. However, the best crown for you depends on your specific needs and circumstances, which our dentist can help determine.

    Are Zirconia Crowns hard to remove?

    Zirconia Crowns are designed to be a permanent solution and can be challenging to remove without damaging the underlying tooth structure. However, a skilled dentist can safely remove them if necessary.

    How long do Zirconia Crowns last?

    Zirconia Crowns can last up to 15 years or longer with proper care and maintenance. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene are crucial to ensuring the longevity of your crown.

    Do Zirconia Crowns stain?

    Zirconia Crowns are highly resistant to staining, making them a great option for people who consume staining substances like coffee or tea. However, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent discoloration.

    What is the Zirconia Crown procedure like?

    The procedure for getting a Zirconia Crown involves tooth preparation, taking impressions, and sending them to a dental laboratory to make a custom crown. After the crown is created, it is bonded to the tooth using dental cement.

    Where can I get Zirconia Crowns in Turkey?

    There are many dental centers in Turkey that offer Zirconia Crowns, including Istanbul. You can do research and find a reputable dental center that suits your needs and budget.

    You can contact us for more detailed information.

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    Contact us now to book your Zirconium Crown Surgery and get a brighter smile!

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    For this reason, we defined our name as ¨Value Added Medical¨. Our personal hosts, guide & translator, VIP car service, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment ensure that your medical journey is as comfortable and convenient as possible. Contact us today to take the first step!

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