Plastic Surgery

Transform your look and boost your confidence with our world-class Plastic Surgery services.

Chin Aesthetics

Eyebrow Lift

Eyelid Surgery

Face Lift

Face Fat Injection

Nose Surgery

Ear Aesthetics


Neck Lift

Breast Augmentation

Breast Reduction

Breast Lifting



Tumy Tuck

Brazilian Butt Lift

Arm Lift

Tigh Lifting

Six Pack Surgery

Transform your look and boost your confidence with our world-class Plastic Surgery services.

Welcome to one of the best plastic surgery centers in Turkey!

As VAM Healthcare, we are committed to giving our patients the best cosmetic and plastic surgery care possible.

We know that getting  aesthetic operation  is a personal and life-changing choice, so we work hard to make sure our patients get the best care and results possible. For this reason, we chose ¨Value Added Medical¨ as our name.

Our skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons are trained in the newest techniques and technologies so that they can give you the best results.

We do a lot of different kinds of plastic surgery in Turkey, including, but not limited to: 

Rhinoplasty Surgery: Reshape and Refine Your Nose for Improved Facial Harmony!

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the size, shape, and overall appearance of your nose.

Our plastic surgeons can help you reach your goals, whether you want to fix a deformity, improve the way you breathe, or make your face look more balanced. 

Face and Neck Lift Surgery: Restore a More Youthful Appearance to Your Face and Neck with a Surgical Facelift!

A facelift or neck lift can rejuvenate your face and restore a youthful appearance.

Our plastic surgeons can help you fix sagging skin, wrinkles, and other signs of aging using a range of techniques, including mini facelifts, thread lifts, and neck lifts.

Breast Surgery: Enhance the Size and Shape of Your Breasts with Implants and a Breast Lift or Breast Reduction!

Breast surgery encompasses a range of procedures, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift surgery.

Our plastic surgeons can help you get breasts that are more symmetrical and look better, based on your body type and personal aesthetic tastes. 

Abdominoplasty Surgery (Tummy Tuck): Tighten and Flatten Your Abdomen for a More Toned and Youthful Silhouette!

Abdominoplasty, also called a “tummy tuck,” can help you get a flatter, firmer, and more toned stomach by getting rid of extra skin and fat and tightening the muscles underneath.

Our plastic surgeons can tailor the procedure to your unique needs and goals.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery: Enhance the Shape and Size of Your Buttocks with Fat Transfer!

Get the round, firm, and shapely buttocks you’ve always wanted with our Brazilian butt lift surgery!

Our skilled surgeons use your own fat to change the shape and size of your buttocks in a way that looks natural and lasts. 

Liposuction Surgery: Remove Excess Fat From Specific Areas of Your Body for a Slimmer, More Contoured Appearance!

Eliminate stubborn fat cells and contour your body with our liposuction surgery.

Our plastic surgeons use the most up-to-date methods to remove fat from specific areas, making you look slimmer and more toned. 

Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery: Improve the Appearance of Your Eyes With a Surgical Eyelid Lift!

Restore your bright and youthful eyes with our eyelid aesthetic surgery.

Our expert plastic surgeons use precise techniques to remove extra skin, fat, and wrinkles from your eyelids, giving you a natural and refreshed look

5 Reasons to Choose VAM Healthcare for Plastic Surgery in Turkey

Experienced Surgeons: VAM Healthcare has a reputation for having experienced and highly skilled plastic surgeons who have undergone extensive training and are equipped with the latest technology and techniques in Turkey.

Advanced Medical Facilities: Turkey has state-of-the-art medical facilities that are equipped with the latest technology and equipment. VAM Healthcare collaborates with these hospitals and clinics. This ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care during their surgical procedures.

Affordable Prices: Turkey is known for providing high-quality cosmetic surgeries at a fraction of the cost compared to other countries. Due to the lower cost of living in Turkey, VAM Healthcare  is able to offer competitive prices for cosmetic surgeries.

Tourist Friendly Destination: Turkey is a popular tourist destination and is known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife. Patients who choose to have cosmetic surgery in VAM Healthcarecan combine their medical trip with a holiday, making it a more enjoyable and stress-free experience.

Short Waiting Times: Patients who choose to have cosmetic surgery in VAM Healthcare can often be scheduled for their procedure within a shorter time frame compared to other clinics. This is due to the large number of medical facilities and experienced surgeons collaborated with VAM Healthcare..

Overall, VAM Healthcareoffers an attractive option for those seeking affordable, high-quality plastic surgery with experienced cosmetic surgeons and advanced medical facilities

If you are searching for cosmetic surgeons near me, plastic surgery near me, or the best plastic surgery center in Turkey, welcome aboard!

Plastic Surgery Details

Natural Looking Results

Enhancing your unique beauty



Tailored cosmetic and reconstructive treatments



Personal hosts, guide & translator



VIP Car service



Comprehensive support to achieve long-term success


Trusted Medical Centers

JCI and Ministry of Health approved


How Plastic Surgery Is Done?

Plastic and reconstructive surgery is a surgical specialty that involves the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. 

The specific techniques used for a plastic surgery procedure depend on the area of the body being treated and the desired outcome

Generally, the surgeon will make incisions in the skin, then manipulate or remove tissue as needed. They may also use implants or grafts to enhance or replace tissue.

Is Plastic Surgery Safe?

Like any surgical procedure, plastic and reconstructive surgery carries risks. However, the risks are relatively low when carried out by a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon in a reputable facility. It’s important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of a plastic surgery procedure and discuss them with your surgeon.

Is Plastic Surgery Painful?

Most of the time, anesthesia is used during plastic surgery, so the patient doesn’t feel any pain. However, there may be some discomfort or pain during the recovery period. Your surgeon can prescribe pain medications to manage any discomfort.

Can Plastic Surgery Be Reversed?

While some cosmetic surgery procedures can be reversed or corrected, others are permanent. It’s important to carefully consider the potential long-term effects of any plastic surgery procedure before undergoing it.

Which Country Invented Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery goes all the way back to ancient India, where reconstructive surgery was used to fix noses and ears that had been cut off as punishment. Plastic surgery as we know it today did not start until the 20th century in Europe and the United States. 

When Did Plastic Surgery Become Popular?

Around the middle of the 20th century, plastic and reconstructive surgery became more common. This was because new techniques and technologies made the surgeries safer and more effective. Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular because of things like better surgical techniques, more coverage in the media, and a greater focus on how people look. 


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