Beard Transplant Surgery

If you’re struggling with patchy or sparse facial hair, a beard transplant surgery may be the solution you need. Our clinic in Turkey offers high-quality beard transplant procedures that can help you achieve a fuller and more confident beard.

Are you ready to get the fuller and more confident beard you’ve always wanted? If you are searching for a beard transplant near me, you can contact us today to schedule your free beard transplant consultation in Turkey.

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    Restore Your Facial Hair with a Beard Transplant in Turkey

    Beard transplantation has become increasingly popular in recent years. The procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from a hairy area to an area with sparse or no hair on the beard and mustache region of men.

    While many people are familiar with hair transplants, beard transplants are a rising development in the cosmetic surgery field.

    Our experienced surgeons and technicians use the latest beard transplant techniques to help you achieve natural-looking results. With our beard transplant surgery, you can:

    • Restore your facial hair

    • Boost your confidence and self-esteem

    • Enjoy a more masculine appearance

    • Improve your overall quality of life

    Beard Transplant Process

    Our beard transplant process consists of the following steps:

    Consultation: During your initial consultation, our surgeon will evaluate your facial hair and discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure.

    Preparation: Before the procedure, our team will prepare the donor area (usually the back of the head) for hair removal.

    Extraction: We use the latest beard transplant techniques, such as FUE and DHI, to extract individual hair follicles from the donor area.

    Implantation: Our team will carefully implant the hair follicles into the patchy or sparse areas of your beard, using precise techniques to ensure natural-looking results.

    Post-operative care: After the procedure, our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your newly transplanted beard, including post-operative medications and follow-up appointments.

    Beard Transplant Techniques

    Beard transplantation can be used to address genetic baldness or hair loss caused by trauma, burns, or infection. The intensity of facial hair varies from person to person, so each patient requires a unique plan for the procedure. It takes a few hours under local anesthesia for patients to achieve a natural-looking beard. Drawings are used to evaluate the patient’s condition during the planning stage; individual hair follicles from the nape area are transferred to the beard.

    We offer two main beard transplant techniques to cure those kinds of problems:

    FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): It is a minimally invasive beard transplant technique that involves removing individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the patchy or sparse areas of the beard. This technique is ideal for those who prefer shorter beard styles or have a limited donor area.

    DHI (Direct Hair Implantation): It is a more advanced beard transplant technique that involves using a specialized tool to extract and implant hair follicles in one step. This technique ensures more precise implantation and shorter recovery time.
    Beard Transplant Recovery Process
    After a beard transplantation procedure, the patient is discharged and the first wash is typically applied within 1 to 3 days. Until the first wash, the transplanted area should be carefully protected as the roots and skin need time to fully unite. The patient should not touch or wash the area with water, and avoid exposure to cologne-like substances or harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol for the first week. Shaving in the transplanted area should not be done until approved by the doctor.

    After the transplantation process, some patients may experience a process called shock shedding, where the transplanted hairs fall out between 30 to 90 days after sowing. This is normal and not a cause for alarm, as the transplanted hair roots remain under the skin. The desired result from the beard transplantation typically occurs in 6 to 9 months on average, but this timeline can vary from person to person. Proper care and hygiene can promote a healthier healing process.

    Hair Transplant Details

    For Our Guests Coming From Abroad





    Recovery Time


    Average Pain
    (1 to 10)


    Hospital Stay


    For More Info
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    Beard Transplant in Turkey FAQ

    How can VAM Healthcare help me?

    Is beard transplant surgery painful?
    The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which means you will not feel any discomfort during the operation. Some discomfort or soreness in the beard area is normal after the procedure, but this can be managed with medication.
    How long does the procedure take?
    The procedure typically takes several hours, depending on the extent of the facial hair loss and the number of grafts needed.
    Are the results permanent?
    Yes, the transplanted hair follicles are permanent and will continue to grow normally.

    You can contact us for more detailed information.

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    Our Services

    For Our Guests Coming From Abroad


    Airport Transfer






    Medical Package




    Post Operative Follow-Ups

    Contact Us for a Free Consultation and Get Your Dream Beard

    Thank you for visiting VAM (Value Added Medical) Healthcare, your trusted partner for medical tourism. Our mission is to provide you with exceptional medical care and unparalleled customer service, all while helping you save on healthcare costs. With our extensive network of world-class medical facilities and highly skilled healthcare professionals, we are committed to delivering the highest standards of patient care. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you plan your next medical journey. Let VAM Healthcare be your guide to better health and wellness. We also invite you to visit our social media pages to learn more about our services and see before-and-after photos of our satisfied patients.

    Our Statistics

    As VAM Healthcare, we are proud to showcase our exceptional success and operation rate through this statistics table, which reflects the impeccable quality of care we provide to our patients.


    Hair Transplant


    Plastic Surgery


    Dental Implants


    Obesity Treatments

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    About VAM Healthcare

    Welcome to the ultimate destination for medical tourism! We are a team of experts who specialize in providing you with the best medical treatments around the world. Our services range from Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgeries, Dental Treatments, Obesity Surgeries, and General Surgery. Our mission is to provide affordable and high-quality medical services with the highest level of professionalism and expertise.

    For this reason, we defined our name as ¨Value Added Medical¨. Our personal hosts, guide & translator, VIP car service, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment ensure that your medical journey is as comfortable and convenient as possible. Contact us today to take the first step!

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