Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Surgery

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your abdomen? Have you tried diet and exercise, but still can’t achieve the toned look you desire? If so, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) may be the solution you need to reshape and contour your midsection. At our medical tourism agency in Turkey, we offer high-quality tummy tuck surgery to help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted.
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    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Its Benefits

    Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, tightens the abdominal muscles, and reshapes the waistline. This procedure is especially effective for those who have lost a significant amount of weight, undergone multiple pregnancies, or have excess skin due to aging. A tummy tuck can provide many benefits, including:

    • A flatter and more toned abdomen
    • Improved self-confidence and body image
    • Increased comfort and mobility
    • A boost in overall health and wellness

    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Process: How It Works

    During a tummy tuck procedure, our experienced plastic surgeons will make an incision along the lower abdomen, from hip bone to hip bone. They will then remove excess skin and fat, tighten the abdominal muscles, and reposition the belly button. Finally, they will close the incisions with sutures and dress the area with bandages. The procedure takes approximately 2-4 hours, depending on the extent of the surgery.

    If you’re searching for a tummy tuck near me, abdominoplasty near me and interested in learning more about liposuction surgery in Turkey or if you’re ready to book your consultation, contact us today.

    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Techniques: Traditional vs. Minimally Invasive

    We offer two types of tummy tuck procedures: traditional and minimally invasive. Traditional tummy tuck surgery involves a longer incision along the lower abdomen, while minimally invasive tummy tuck surgery involves smaller incisions and less tissue removal. The type of procedure that’s right for you will depend on your individual needs and goals, as well as your surgeon’s recommendations.

    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Recovery Process: What to Expect

    After your tummy tuck surgery, you’ll need to take some time to recover. You’ll likely experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but these symptoms can be managed with medication and rest. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for several weeks, and you’ll need to wear a compression garment to support your abdomen as it heals. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within 2-4 weeks, but it may take several months for the full results of the surgery to be visible.

    Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) in Turkey FAQ: Everything You Need to Know

    If you’re considering a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery in Turkey, you may have some questions. Here are some of the most common questions we receive: At our medical tourism agency, we are dedicated to providing our patients with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare. We will be happy to answer any questions you have.

    What is tummy tuck surgery?
    A tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightens the muscles to create a flatter, more toned appearance.
    What are the qualifications for a tummy tuck?
    The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck is someone who is in good health, at a stable weight, and has excess skin or fat in the abdominal area that cannot be eliminated with diet and exercise.
    What is the tummy tuck recovery timeline?
    The recovery timeline for a tummy tuck varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Generally, patients can return to work and light activities after 2-3 weeks, but full recovery can take up to 6 months.
    What to expect after abdominal surgery?
    After a tummy tuck surgery, patients should expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the abdominal area. It is important to follow the postoperative instructions provided by the surgeon, such as wearing compression garments and avoiding strenuous activity.
    How long is the abdominoplasty surgery?
    The length of an abdominoplasty surgery can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, but generally, it takes between 2-4 hours to complete.
    Does abdominoplasty include muscle repair?
    Yes, abdominoplasty often includes muscle repair, which involves tightening the abdominal muscles to create a flatter, more toned appearance.
    What is a reverse tummy tuck?
    A reverse tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper abdomen, rather than the lower abdomen. This procedure is often used to address sagging skin in the upper abdomen after weight loss or pregnancy.
    What type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure?
    Most commonly, general anesthesia is used during a tummy tuck procedure. This ensures that the patient is asleep and does not feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery.
    What are the risks and complications associated with tummy tuck surgery?
    As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with tummy tuck surgery. These can include bleeding, infection, scarring, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, these risks can be minimized by choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon, following all pre- and post-operative instructions, and attending all follow-up appointments with your surgeon.

    You can contact us for more detailed information.

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