Enhance Your Feminine Silhouette with Our Expert Breast Augmentation Procedures

If you’re self-conscious about the size or shape of your breasts, our team of plastic surgeons can help.

Our expert breast augmentation procedures can give you a more feminine, proportional silhouette and enhance your overall confidence.

Here’s what you can expect from our services:

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    Breast Augmentation Process: Customized Treatment Plans for Every Patient

    As VAM Healthcare, we take a personalized approach to every breast augmentation procedure.

    During your initial consultation, we’ll discuss your aesthetic goals and examine your unique features to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

    Our goal is to deliver natural-looking results that enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

    Breast Augmentation Techniques

    Advanced Methods for Optimal Results Our team of plastic surgeons are experts in the latest and most effective breast augmentation techniques, including silicone and saline implants, fat grafting, and composite augmentation.

    We use state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge tools to achieve optimal results and minimize discomfort and downtime.

    Breast Augmentation Recovery Process

    Comprehensive Care for Your Comfort We understand that a comfortable recovery process is crucial to your overall experience with breast augmentation surgery.

    Our team provides comprehensive post-operative care, including personalized tips to minimize discomfort, ample rest time, and follow-up appointments to ensure your healing is on track.

    Breast Augmentation in Turkey FAQ: Expert Answers to Your Questions

    If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery in Turkey, our team can help. We have years of experience working with international patients and can answer all of your questions about the process, from pre-op preparations to travel logistics. Check out our FAQ section for more information on our services and what you can expect from your procedure.

    What is breast augmentation surgery?
    Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts.

    It involves placing implants beneath the breast tissue or chest muscle to enhance the size, shape, and fullness of the breasts.

    Does fat transfer breast augmentation last?
    The longevity of fat transfer breast augmentation varies from person to person.

    In some cases, it may last for years or even permanently, while in other cases, the fat may be absorbed by the body, resulting in a reduction in breast size.

    Can I wear a bralette after breast augmentation?
    It is best to avoid wearing a bralette or any tight-fitting clothing that puts pressure on the breasts for at least six weeks after breast augmentation surgery.

    The surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions on how to care for the breasts and when to resume wearing a bra.

    How to sleep after breast augmentation?
    The best sleeping position after breast augmentation surgery is on the back, as it helps to avoid any pressure or stress on the breasts.

    It is recommended to use pillows to prop the upper body and keep the head and shoulders elevated.

    How long does the recovery from breast augmentation take?
    The recovery time from breast augmentation can vary from person to person, but typically takes around 4-6 weeks.

    During this time, you will need to avoid strenuous activities and take care to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

    What are the risks of fat transfer breast augmentation?
    Like any surgical procedure, fat transfer breast augmentation does carry some risks, including infection, bleeding, and anesthesia complications.

    Additionally, there is a risk of some of the transferred fat not surviving, which could result in asymmetry or a need for revision surgery.

    Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation?
    In most cases, breast augmentation surgery does not affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed.

    However, if the procedure involves incisions around the areola or damage to the milk ducts, breastfeeding may be more difficult or impossible.

    It’s important to discuss any concerns about breastfeeding with your surgeon before the procedure.

    What are some tips for post-operative breast augmentation care?
    Some tips for post-operative breast augmentation care include wearing a supportive bra, avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities, and taking any prescribed pain medication as directed.

    It’s also important to keep the surgical site clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection.

    Can I drive after breast augmentation surgery?
    It’s recommended that patients avoid driving for at least the first few days after breast augmentation surgery, or until they are no longer taking prescription pain medication.

    Driving too soon after surgery can be dangerous and increase the risk of complications.

    Is recovery from breast augmentation painful?
    Pain levels can vary from person to person, but most patients experience some discomfort or soreness after breast augmentation surgery.

    Your surgeon will typically prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort during the recovery period.

    What should I avoid after breast augmentation surgery?
    After breast augmentation surgery, it’s important to avoid any activities that could put strain on the chest muscles, such as heavy lifting or strenuous exercise, for at least 4-6 weeks.

    You should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as these can impair the healing process.

    You can contact us for more detailed information.

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    For Our Guests Coming From Abroad


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    Post Operative Follow-Ups

    Ready to Enhance Your Silhouette? Contact Us Today!

    Thank you for visiting VAM (Value Added Medical) Healthcare, your trusted partner for medical tourism. Our mission is to provide you with exceptional medical care and unparalleled customer service, all while helping you save on healthcare costs. With our extensive network of world-class medical facilities and highly skilled healthcare professionals, we are committed to delivering the highest standards of patient care. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you plan your next medical journey. Let VAM Healthcare be your guide to better health and wellness. We also invite you to visit our social media pages to learn more about our services and see before-and-after photos of our satisfied patients.

    Our Statistics

    As VAM Healthcare, we are proud to showcase our exceptional success and operation rate through this statistics table, which reflects the impeccable quality of care we provide to our patients.


    Hair Transplant


    Plastic Surgery


    Dental Implants


    Obesity Treatments

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    About VAM Healthcare

    Welcome to the ultimate destination for medical tourism! We are a team of experts who specialize in providing you with the best medical treatments around the world. Our services range from Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgeries, Dental Treatments, Obesity Surgeries, and General Surgery. Our mission is to provide affordable and high-quality medical services with the highest level of professionalism and expertise.

    For this reason, we defined our name as ¨Value Added Medical¨. Our personal hosts, guide & translator, VIP car service, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment ensure that your medical journey is as comfortable and convenient as possible. Contact us today to take the first step!

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